
Winter Specials


Gift certificates available

3 Winter Specials

Are you experiencing dry skin? As winter weather arrives and takes hold  a dry quality comes with it. Keeping our skin, the body’s largest organ, supple requires more vigilance. The cold makes us want to tighten our muscles especially the shoulders and neck. You can relieve this tension and reduce dry, flaky skin with massage and other bodywork treatments.

New clients!!  Save 10% on all Bodywork treatments 

Packages available: purchase a bundle of 3 sessions and receive 10% discount 

Give the gift of health this Holiday Season: 10% off all Gift Certificates of $80.00 or more


November Specials


Ayurvedic treatments Abhyanga or Abhyanga with Shirodhara
 10% off regular price
Packages available

As  the weather shifts from the heat of summer into more cold, damp wintery-type forecasts, our skin becomes dry.  Perhaps we’re not  hydrating our bodies as often as we do in hot weather. This results in an internal drying as well.

How can we alleviate this dryness? Receiving Ayurvedic bodywork supplies the body ( externally as well as internally) with nourishing oils.


Sending Energy
Sending Energy

Welcome to Energy Flow Bodywork.

Energy Flow Healer offers a variety of bodywork modalities ranging from Ayurveda, CranioSacral Therapy, Therapeutic Relaxation Massage, Polarity, Reiki, RYSE  and Ayurvedic Wellness Counseling.  Utilizing these modalities in  treatment sessions helps clients realize improved wellness.  In my healing sessions, I hold an open- hearted and quiet space so a client’s nervous system has an opportunity to re-balance: this helps my client sustain  a calm and centered mind, better able to respond to life’s stressors.